Beauty in Confidence

“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.”

I would like to dedicate this Mother's Day to the team of incredible Women who believed in me and believed in their own strength. They are strong, courageous, compassionate, and beautiful. The way they cheered and supported each other is exemplary. This pic above was at the end of our trek, a celebration of collective strength and resilience! Beauty is in strength and confidence and there is so much beauty shining through from this pic. 

Annapurna Circuit Trek Diaries: April 2023
A Walk into the 14,000 ft. Himalayan Mountains
A Tribute and note to self!

We don't even know how strong we are until the moment of need calls out to us. On the day of the snowstorm in the mountains, it was scary as hell and yet, everyone kept putting one foot in front of the other. NO-ONE even whispered. "I cannot do this". We were on the cliffs of tall mountains--- one misstep could result in a disaster--- slippery trails, complete whiteout conditions, and walking in a single file even on a very long pendulum bridge over a deep gorge, with heavy backpacks and boots, we all kept pushing along. The average 4-hour trek turned into an 8-hour odessey with freezing cold hands, wet gloves, and tired legs. Seeing the teahouse from the distance was a huge relief. Taking off ponchos, wet gloves, hats, etc. was a process---sitting down in the warm teahouse with a cup of tea and fritters was a lifesaving treat!

I think that all of us will remember this day forever. The day we refused to look at the fear and be afraid; the day we reconfirmed our own resilience. The real grace was in letting go of the higher goal of scaling Thorung La Pass at 18,000ft high and making the tough decision to walk back down.

The mighty Sun decided to shine His abundant grace on us this day and we walked again on the cliffs that we could barely see the day before. The Himalayan Vistas were opening up in front of us at every step with beauty and splendor in plentiful. This was another day that will be etched in our collective memories forever. The disappointment of not being able to go where we had planned mixed with the celebration of where we had come! The six months of dedicated training that involved physical and mental fitness, detailed attention to our nutrition with rest and recovery strategies, hundreds of questions about packing a duffel bag that could not exceed 20lbs and a backpack that must fit just right----this moment was a culmination of all those moments---- the fears, doubts and an ultimate belief in oneself--- all at the same time. We all came from different backgrounds and different parts of the country, ranging in age from 42 to 58--- with the common thread of wanting to do this one thing that pushed us way beyond our comfort zone.

The mountains brought us together and have forever sealed our collective memories in the Himalayan ranges. Ladies, I am so proud of each one of you. When life throws a doozy at you, just remind yourself that you have walked on the snow-covered cliffs of the Himalayan ranges and straighten your crown! I love you all! 

Ritu Kapur, May 2023

Ritu Kapur