New Year and Hope

As 2023 draws to an end and we usher in 2024, it's time to reflect and contemplate. The start of a new year always brings so much hope. I am hoping that the year 2024 will be a gentler, softer year. I am hopeful that this year will bring more people together than apart. I am hopeful that our hearts will win over our egos this year. I am very hopeful that more of us will unite in our efforts to make Earth a better place for future generations. 

Unlike our body, our mind is not limited to going places. The mind can travel at the speed of light and go anywhere, anytime, and the best part is that you can choose where it goes. You can decide what information you consume so that the mind goes where you are happy, content, and more enriched. Maybe, you will choose to open a book on an unknown subject, or perhaps you will allow a new genre of music to let your spirits travel far away. I wish you safe travels wherever this New Year takes you, in body and mind. I wish you safety in the company of new and old friends, joy in whatever you do, and contentment in whatever happens. Plan a little and then let life flow!

As I say bye to this year and look with hope to the coming year, I bow to the divine within this Universe and within You. Be well and be kind to yourself! I hope to connect with you in the New Year. 
Namaste  ~ Ritu

Ritu Kapur